1. A state of calmness and peacefulness, highly valued during moon viewing ceremonies.
1. The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, prevalent in moon viewing ceremonies.
2. Conducive to success and favorable outcomes, believed to be enhanced during moon viewing ceremonies.
3. The period of the evening between daylight and darkness, aligning with moon viewing ceremonies.
4. A state of tranquility or absence of agitation, encouraged during moon viewing ceremonies.
5. The state of being alone or remote from others, often sought during moon viewing ceremonies.
6. To provide or brighten with light, reminiscent of the moon's light during moon viewing ceremonies.
7. A formal observance or practice, typically adhered to during moon viewing ceremonies.
8. The faint light emitted by stars, complementing the moon's radiance during moon viewing ceremonies.
9. Traditional beliefs, customs, and stories often shared during moon viewing ceremonies.
10. The quality of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled, often associated with moon viewing ceremonies.
11. A traditional Japanese rice wine often enjoyed during moon viewing ceremonies.
12. An overwhelming feeling of reverence or admiration, often experienced during moon viewing ceremonies.
13. The curved shape of the moon in its first or last quarter, a symbol associated with moon viewing ceremonies.
14. The combination of different musical notes or elements, celebrated during moon viewing ceremonies.
15. Literary works characterized by beauty and emotional intensity, often recited during moon viewing ceremonies.